I have recently encountered this blog post describing a great way of setting up your Haskell development environment under Nix. While I found it illuminating, I do not like the setup as it is there, so I went ahead and modified it some. Here are the reasons why, and the how.


One thing I really appreciated from that blog post was understanding how you can build a local Hoogle for your dependencies. I also really like the idea of pinning the Nix packages revision for the project, independent from the nix packages you use: I can now update my system without worrying about incurring a rebuild of my shell (though using lorri alleviates this too!).

One thing I did not like about the setup from that blog post is the duplication of logic in different projects. I’d like to write the logic for building my programming environment in one place, and benefit from it in my projects. For this, I have found it useful to use NUR, the Nix user repository mechanism, which will do while we wait for Nix flakes to be widely used!

With this, I have defined a set of NUR library functions that can be called in my projects to build Haskell development environments as I like them. The other requirements are:

  • each project should be able to choose its GHC version,

  • because I am still waiting on haskell-language-server to be polished, I am still using intero, so I also need to build Nix shells for stack, and would like to avoid repetition between setting up my development shell and stack’s shell,

  • every Haskell dependency should be overridable, since I often use versions that are not the one currently in nixpkgs, or even versions that are not on Hackage.

Nix library functions for building my shells

The first step of the process consists in building the proper GHC with the proper dependencies installed, along with their Hoogle documentation. Because this should be shared between my development shell and stack’s shell, I isolate the process in a function computeHaskellSetup. It currently takes three knobs as input: nixpkgsRev specifies the nixpkgs commit to be used (so as to set in stone the environment unless I manually bump the revision), nixpkgsArgs are the arguments that will be passed to nixpkgs upon importing them (in practice, I’m only using it to pass overlays, but I’m allowing it to have additional options if necessary), and pkg is a description of the package that this shell is built for (basically, information for callCabal2nix).

  computeHaskellSetup =
    { ghcVersion
    , nixpkgsRev
    , nixpkgsArgs # typically, a Haskell overlay
    , pkg         # arguments to callCabal2nix

      pkgs = import (builtins.fetchGit {
        url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs.git";
        rev = nixpkgsRev;
      }) nixpkgsArgs;

      hsPkgs = pkgs.haskell.packages.${ghcVersion};

      pkgDrv = callCabal2nixGitignore pkgs pkg.name pkg.path pkg.args;

      pkgDeps = pkgDrv.getBuildInputs.haskellBuildInputs;

      ghc = hsPkgs.ghcWithHoogle (_: pkgDeps);


We build pkgs, the instantiation of nixpkgs, by picking the selected revision and passing around the overlays. Then, we grab the set hsPkgs of Haskell packages for the GHC version ghcVersion: while it looks like the vanilla set from nixpkgs, remember that there might be overlays at play that will tweak what packages are present.

pkgDrv is the derivation for the package we are trying to work on. It uses another of my library functions, callCabal2nixGitignore (implementation here), which works just like callCabal2nix, except that it will filter out files in your development directory that are not meant to be part of the source. This will avoid the usual problem of having your .stack-work, your dist-newstyle, or even your Nix expressions end up in the derivation, making it both larger than it needs be, and triggering spurious environment rebuilds when these files change.

Then we grab the dependencies of this package, pkgDeps, and create a ghc set up with Hoogle documentation for those packages. This function simply returns a set containing ghc, hsPkgs, and pkgs, to be consumed by either the function for building the development shell, or the function for building the stack shell.

Building the development shell

To build the development shell, we want to call the gool old mkShell with the proper build inputs. It suffices to compute the setup from the last section, and grab the packages we want, here, I choose to always have cabal-install, ghc, ghcide, hlint, and stack.

Note that I grab the ghc from setup rather than from hsPkgs, as it is the one we have set up to have Hoogle documentation: once in your Nix shell, you can run hoogle server, then navigate to localhost:8080 and have a Hoogle with exactly those packages your project depends on.

As for the NIX_GHC_LIBDIR variable, it needs to be set for ghcide to known where to find the proper ghc. Otherwise, it will complain about package not found a lot since it’ll be likely reaching a different ghc.

  haskellDevShell =
    { ghcVersion
    , nixpkgsRev
    , nixpkgsArgs # typically, a Haskell overlay
    , pkg         # arguments to callCabal2nix
      setup = computeHaskellSetup { inherit ghcVersion nixpkgsRev nixpkgsArgs pkg; };

      setup.pkgs.mkShell {

        buildInputs = with setup.hsPkgs; [
          setup.ghc     # NOTE: this is the one with Hoogle set up

        NIX_GHC_LIBDIR = "${setup.ghc}/lib/ghc-${setup.ghc.version}";


Building the stack shell

Stack users under nix have two choices: either you can rely on stack for building its own nix shell, possibly listing some packages you’d like to be included:

  enable: true
    - zlib

or you can have it build the shell you tell it to, giving you more control:

  enable: true
  shell-file: stack-shell.nix

Said nix expression must accept an argument named ghc that will be passed by stack to be the GHC of choice. Due to how stack works, it does not benefit from the Nix-built Haskell packages, and will build its own copies of everything. As such, making a stack shell is fairly disconnected to what we’ve done so far. All it needs to do is describe what packages should be available within the shell, since stack builds and executes your package in a pure environment. When your package is an executable, it might rely on having other libraries or executable present at run-time, and so you need to make these available, so that running stack run my-executable will be able to see those libraries and other executables.

  stackShell =
    { ghcVersion
    , mkBuildInputs
    , nixpkgsRev
    , nixpkgsArgs # typically, a Haskell overlay
    , pkg         # arguments to callCabal2nix
      setup = computeHaskellSetup { inherit ghcVersion nixpkgsRev nixpkgsArgs pkg; };
      pkgs.haskell.lib.buildStackProject {

        # grab the correct GHC without Hoogle support since stack does not need it
        ghc = setup.pkgs.haskell.compiler.${ghcVersion};

        inherit (pkg) name;

        buildInputs = mkBuildInputs setup.pkgs setup.hsPkgs;


This function barely uses what comes out of setup since stack does its own thing with Haskell packages. All I do is inherit the vanilla version of GHC, and call mkBuildInputs to create the buildInputs field, passing it the proper pkgs and hsPkgs it should use.

If your stack complains that it does not know how to install GHC for your system, it means there is a mismatch between the GHC version declared in the ghcVersion field of your config, and the GHC version corresponding to the resolver in your stack.yaml. Make sure that they agree on which GHC version they expect.

Using the library

My setups include three files:

  • config.nix defines the inputs to computeHaskellSetup,
  • shell.nix calls haskellDevShell,
  • stack-shell.nix calls stackShell.

Here is an example config.nix:

{ nur ? (import <nixpkgs> {}).nur.repos.ptival
rec {

  ghcVersion = "ghc882";

  advent-of-code-overlay = self: super:

      dontCheck = super.haskell.lib.dontCheck;

        haskell = super.haskell // {
          inherit ghcVersion;
          packages = super.haskell.packages // {
            "${ghcVersion}" = super.haskell.packages.${ghcVersion}.extend (selfH: superH: {

                # Here is how you get a given version of a package if it is published on Hackage
                ghc-tcplugins-extra = selfH.callHackage "ghc-tcplugins-extra" "0.3.2" {};

                # Here is how you disable the test-suite for a package that breaks during them
                monad-dijkstra = dontCheck superH.monad-dijkstra;

                # Here is how you get an arbitrary commit of an arbitrary Haskell package from source.
                # Since it comes from GitHub, no need for `callCabal2nixGitignore` as the source comes
                # from a fresh checkout, `callCabal2nix` suffices.
                polysemy =
                    (builtins.fetchGit {
                      url = "https://github.com/polysemy-research/polysemy.git";
                      rev = "016c16fbb1b57a0d728e57e2cf8e36453e8edd8d";





  nixpkgsRev = "c2dcdea8c68631fc15ec837d0df7def2b66d0676";

  nixpkgsArgs = {
    overlays = [
      (nur.overlays.haskell-dev { inherit ghcVersion; })

  pkg = {
    name = "advent-of-code";
    path = ./.;
    args = {};


Nothing should be surprising here. Note the different methods of overriding packages, depending on whether you want some version published on Hackage, or some bleeding-edge commit from some version control system.

As for shell.nix:

{ nur ? (import <nixpkgs> {}).nur.repos.ptival
  config = import ./config.nix {};
  haskell-dev-overlay = nur.overlays.haskell-dev.${config.ghcVersion};
nur.lib.haskellDevShell {

  inherit (config) ghcVersion nixpkgsRev pkg;

  nixpkgsArgs = {
    overlays = [


It imports config.nix and passes in two overlays: the overlay from my package, as defined in config.nix, and my Haskell development overlay, which is also hosted on NUR, and is fairly involved, so here is a link to it. It has one field per GHC version, and for each version, it tweaks packages like ghcide to pick a version that is compatible with that GHC.

Finally, stack-shell.nix:

{ nur ? (import <nixpkgs> {}).nur.repos.ptival
  config = import ./config.nix {};
nur.lib.stackShell {

  inherit (config) ghcVersion nixpkgsRev pkg;

  mkBuildInputs = pkgs: hsPkgs: [

  nixpkgsArgs = {
    overlays = [


As you can see, the repetition is minimized by also importing config.nix. Note that I only use the package overlay, and not the development overlay, since stack does not need access to my development packages. However, note the additional mkBuildInputs field, that lets me make some packages available within the pure stack shell, for instance, zlib here. This corresponds to packages you’d put in the packages list of your stack.yaml, and should have all the run-time dependencies of your executables and test suites.

I hope this helped you improve your setup! Let me know if you improve on this setup, I’m always looking for nicer ways of dealing with setting up my programming environment.