During some work on a compiler recently, we ran into use cases where WriterT and ContT were quite handy to achieve some fairly non-local code transformations that would be somewhat awkward to do in a more direct style.

These will not be surprising if you’re used to reaching for these abstractions, but I think it could be enlightening to beginners or even more advanced users who are not used to noticing the situations wherein these abstractions shine.

This post will focus on the “outer” WriterT layer, and a follow-up post will focus on ContT. Code available here

A brief, incomplete primer on administrative normal form

One type of transformation that is often useful when compiling a high-level language down to something closer to machine instructions is to break complex computations into sequences of atomic computations. What you define as atomic is somewhat up to you, so let me make the case for a small language that would benefit from such a transformation.

data Exp
  = App Exp Exp
  | Int Int
  | Lam Bdr Exp
  | Let Bdr Exp Exp
  | Var Var

This language accepts arbitrarily nested function applications, so you could have one expression be:

-- syntactically:
(v1 (v2 (v3 v4))) (v5 v6)
-- or as Exp:
App (App (App v1) (App v2 (App v3 v4))) (App v5 v6)

Those are a lot of function calls! In “administrative normal form” (often shortened “ANF”), we would like to give a name to every temporary sub-expression, and to have them properly ordered for the rest of the compiler. One such output for the expression above would be:

-- syntactically:
let a = v3 v4 in
let b = v2 a in
let c = v1 b in
let d = v5 v6 in
c d
-- or as Exp:
Let "a" (App v3 v4)
  (Let "b" (App v2 "a")
    (Let "c" (App v1 "b")
      (Let "d" (App v5 v6)
        (App "c" "d")

Note that there is some flexibility in the output: the computation producing d is independent from the computations producing c, so it could have been first, or interleaved anywhere, unless our language allows side-effects, in which case we’d likely want to produce exactly this output, assuming some left-to-right evaluation convention.

Now suppose for the purpose of this post that we want to forbid nested let expressions in our output, that is, the following input:

let a = 5 in
let sum = let a = 2 in
          let b = 3 in
          plus a b in
plus a sum

should not yield something like:

let a = 5 in
let sum = let a = 2 in
          let b = 3 in
          let anf#0 = plus a in
          anf#0 b in
let anf#1 = plus a in
anf#1 sum

but rather something like, say:

let a = 5 in
let a#1 = 2 in
let b#2 = 3 in
let anf#0 = plus a#1 in
let sum = anf#0 b#2 in
let anf#3 = plus a in
anf#3 sum

That is, we want the right-hand side of any let expression to be something we consider “atomic”: a numeric value, a variable, or a lambda. Notice how this involved lifting out the local bindings for a and b, which would have shadowed the old binding of a, had we not performed a renaming substitution.

This is nice because each let binding now corresponds to one register assignment in the future target language. Let us attempt to write such a transformation.

Implementing ANF

While the Exp datatype is capable of representing the output of our ANF phase, its type does not represent tightly the effect of the transformation: ideally there are certain values that we’d like to no longer exist after this pass, such as our initial very-nested application, and nested let bindings.

Instead, it can be nice to create a different data type, whose structure enforces our intent more precisely:

data Const
  = Int Int
  | Var Var

data Atom
  = App Const Const
  | Const Const
  | Lam Bdr Exp

-- Note: in the attached code, each language lives in its own module, so ANF.Exp
-- does not conflict with Source.Exp
data Exp
  = Halt Atom
  | Let Bdr Atom Exp

For this language, we split the original Source.Exp into three, carving out the constant expressions, the atomic expressions, and the let bindings.

Only (syntactic) constant expressions are now allowed inside of a function application: this guarantees the absence of nested applications, as they cannot be represented in this language! Likewise, nested lets are not representable, as we only allow Atoms to the right of the equal sign in ANF.Exp.

Let’s now try to implement the ANF pass, in the most optimistic, naive way one could think of. Because we will need to generate fresh variables, let’s assume that we have a Monad called ANFM that we will power up as we need. For now, let’s assume that it has a State layer with some way of generating fresh variables.

-- Note: Could also just be `State`
newtype ANFM a = ANFM { unANFM :: StateT Int Identity a }
    ( Applicative, Functor, Monad
    , MonadState Int

-- S is an alias for the original "source" language, for brevity
anf :: S.Exp -> ANFM ANF.Exp
anf (S.Int i)       = return $ ANF.Halt $ ANF.Const (ANF.Int i)
anf (S.Var v)       = return $ ANF.Halt $ ANF.Const (ANF.Var v)
anf (S.Lam b e)     = ANF.Halt . ANF.Lam b <$> anf e
anf (S.Let b e1 e2) = ANF.Halt . ANF.Let b <$> _ <*> anf e2
anf (S.App e1 e2)   = return $ ANF.Halt $ ANF.App _ _

Our first roadblocks are in S.Let and S.App, where we respectively need to produce an Atom and Consts, not Exps. It looks like it would be a good plan to separate a function for when we want Consts back, one for when we want Atoms back, and a last one when we want Exps back. In fact, those would factor out the work nicely.

Let’s start with anfConst, for when we need a constant. If the expression is already fit to be a constant, we can just package it nicely. But when it is decidedly not a constant, we need to store it in a fresh variable, and return that variable as a stand-in. But, we need some code ahead of us to introduce the matching let binding, and that’s definitely not doable in a ANF.Const! It looks like we’ll have to return not only the constant our caller expects, but also a possible let binding. Let’s do just this:

type LetBinding = (Bdr, Atom)

anfConst :: S.Exp -> ANFM (ANF.Const, Maybe LetBinding)
anfConst (S.Int i) = return (ANF.Int i, Nothing)
anfConst (S.Var v) = return (ANF.Var v, Nothing)
anfConst e = do
  (b, v) <- fresh
  a <- anfAtom e
  return (Var v, (b, a))

Looks workable, now let’s turn our head towards anfAtom. Thinking ahead, for App, we may receive bindings from either of the operands that we will need to pass to our caller, since we’re only building atoms and cannot possibly bind them here. So we will need to aggregate potentially multiple LetBindings. It seems like our life will be much easier if we always manipulate them as lists. Let’s adapt anfConst with this realization, and get started on anfAtom:

anfConst :: S.Exp -> ANFM (ANF.Const, [LetBinding])
anfConst (S.Int i) = return (ANF.Int i, [])
anfConst (S.Var v) = return (ANF.Var v, [])
anfConst e = do
  (b, v) <- fresh
  a <- anfAtom e
  return (Var v, [(b, a)])

bindAll :: [LetBinding] -> ANF.Exp -> ANF.Exp
bindAll = flip (foldr (uncurry ANF.Let))

anfAtom :: S.Exp -> ANFM (ANF.Atom, [LetBinding])
anfAtom (S.App e1 e2) = do
  (a1, bs1) <- anfConst e1
  (a2, bs2) <- anfConst e2
  return (ANF.App a1 a2, bs1 ++ bs2)
anfAtom (S.Int i) = return (ANF.Const (ANF.Int i), [])
anfAtom (S.Var v) = return (ANF.Const (ANF.Var v), [])
anfAtom (S.Lam b e) = do
  (e', bs) <- anfExp e
  return (ANF.Lam b (bindAll bs e')), [])
anfAtom (S.Let b e1 e2) = do
  (a1, bs) <- anfAtom e1
  -- Create a fresh binder whose name starts like the old one
  (b', _) <- freshFrom b
  -- Add the b' binding, note that here you'd perform a renaming in a1 if your
  -- let binders were recursive.  Also, appending is unfortunate, but you could
  -- use a better data structure
  tell $ bs ++ [(b', a1)]
  anfAtom (rename (renaming (b, b')) e2)

While this works, if we had a much larger syntax, there would be a lot of places where all we’d be doing is perform recursive calls, aggregate lists of wanted let bindings (e.g. what we do for S.App in anfAtom), and pass those back to our caller. It’s this kind of setup that should make you think about using a Writer effect. To reiterate:

  • We’re writing out data for someone in our calling context.

  • When multiple places are producing data, there is a clear way to aggregate the different bits of data for our caller. In our example, they are just lists that we append, but the general case can involve other types of aggregation.

Let’s use WriterT to disentangle our two concerns! The idea is that anywhere in the ANF computation, we can “emit” some let bindings that are to be created by whomever in our calling context is responsible for capturing them. We add a Writer layer to our ANFM monad, with some list type to represent those binders we accumulate.

-- Updated definition!
newtype ANFM a = ANFM { unANFM :: WriterT [LetBinding] (StateT Int Identity) a }
    ( Applicative, Functor, Monad
    , MonadState Int
    , MonadWriter [LetBinding]

Here’s what becomes of anfConst and anfExp in this new setting:

anfConst :: S.Exp -> ANFM ANF.Const
anfConst (S.Int i) = return (ANF.Int i) -- No need to talk about bindings here!
anfConst (S.Var v) = return (ANF.Var v) -- No need to talk about bindings here!
anfConst e = do
  (b, v) <- fresh
  e' <- anfExp e
  tell [(b, e')] -- tell our calling context they should bind b to e'
  return (ANF.Var v)

anfAtom :: S.Exp -> ANFM ANF.Atom
-- Here we don't even mention the bindings that get aggregated!
anfAtom (S.App e1 e2) = ANF.App <$> anfConst e1 <*> anfConst e2
anfAtom (S.Int i) = return $ ANF.Const (ANF.Int i)
anfAtom (S.Var v) = return $ ANF.Const (ANF.Var v)
anfAtom (S.Let b e1 e2) = do
  a1 <- anfAtom e1
  (b', _) <- freshFrom b
  tell [(b', a1)] -- Here you'd rename in `a1` if lets were recursive
  anfAtom (rename (renaming (b, b')) e2)
anfAtom (S.Lam b e) = do
  _ -- uh hoh!

The difference in anfConst is that we emit the intent of having the binder b be bound to e'. We are not realizing this binding, just telling our caller that, where appropriate, this binding should be created. In the S.Let case, note that we rely on an implementation of substitution to rename all instances of b to b', so that we can hoist the binding b' without risk of accidentally shadowing another binding. In the case of S.Lam however, something is not quite right. If we just call anfAtom on our sub-expression, we will get an atom, but its wanted bindings will be passed to our calling context. This is not correct, do you see why?

Those bindings might depend on the argument of the function. It would only be fair to lift a binding out if it did not depend on the function argument, and even then, we’d need to be careful about shadowing names in the outer context.

It appears necessary to intercept these let bindings before they bubble too far up the expression. Here, and we choose the easy, conservative approach of intercepting bindings before they cross any binding site, regardless of whether they depend on it.

We will need to use an operation that is not part of the MonadWriter type class, but is very useful here. It’s a bit like listen, except it hides the local writer output from its surrounding context. I’m not sure why this doesn’t exist, so let me know if it’s a bad idea! (Does it break some wanted law?)

-- As it would be implemented for `WriterT`.
intercept :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m (a, w)
intercept ma = WriterT $ do
  (a, w) <- runWriterT ma
  pure ((a, w), mempty)

I don’t think it’s quite possible to implement it for MonadWriter without support in the class itself. Here is its specialized version to our ANFM monad:

intercept :: ANFM a -> ANFM (a, [LetBinding])
intercept ma = ANFM $ WriterT $ do
  (a, bs) <- runWriterT (unANFM ma)
  pure ((a, bs), mempty)

This lets us write the final case for anfAtom, and we can finish thr program:

anfAtom :: S.Exp -> ANFM ANF.Atom
anfAtom (S.App e1 e2) = ANF.App <$> anfConst e1 <*> anfConst e2
anfAtom (S.Int i) = return $ ANF.Const (ANF.Int i)
anfAtom (S.Var v) = return $ ANF.Const (ANF.Var v)
anfAtom (S.Let b e1 e2) = do
  a1 <- anfAtom e1
  (b', _) <- freshFrom b
  tell [(b', a1)]
  anfAtom (rename (renaming (b, b')) e2)
anfAtom (S.Lam b e) = do
  (e', bs) <- intercept (anfExp e)
  return $ ANF.Lam b (bindAll bs e')

anfExp :: S.Exp -> ANFM ANF.Exp
anfExp e = ANF.Halt <$> anfAtom e

anf :: S.Exp -> ANF.Exp
anf e =
  let (e', bs) =
          . flip evalStateT (ANFState 0)
          . runWriterT
          . getANFM
          $ anfExp e
   in bindAll bs e'

And that’s it! We abstracted away the tedium of propagation and aggregation of LetBindings. The places that want them created just have to call tell, the places that need to “intercept” them just do so and create them. Finally, our top-level anf function listens to and bind those LetBindings that have bubbled their way to the very top without interception.

To conclude, here are two sample input/output pairs to see how this works:

let a = 5 in
let sum = let a = 2 in
          let b = 3 in
          plus a b in
plus a sum


let a#0 = 5 in
let a#1 = 2 in
let b#2 = 3 in
let anf#3 = plus a#1 in
let sum#4 = anf#3 b#2 in
let anf#5 = plus a#0 in
anf#5 sum#4

Note how the first a gets renamed a#0, even though that was not particularly useful (again: we conservatively rename all lifted binders).

And the following:

let main = \ arg ->
           let sum = \ n ->
                     let f = \ x ->
                             plus n x in
                     cond (eq n 1) 1 (f (sum (minus n 1))) in
           sum arg in
main 42


let main#11 = \ arg ->
              let sum#10 = \ n ->
                           let f#1 = \ x ->
                                     let anf#0 = plus n in
                                     anf#0 x in
                           let anf#5 = eq n in
                           let anf#4 = anf#5 1 in
                           let anf#3 = cond anf#4 in
                           let anf#2 = anf#3 1 in
                           let anf#9 = minus n in
                           let anf#8 = anf#9 1 in
                           let anf#7 = sum anf#8 in
                           let anf#6 = f#1 anf#7 in
                           anf#2 anf#6 in
              sum#10 arg in
main#11 42