Deep dive into Meta-Theory à la Carte (part 2)
NOTE: The code for this post is located here.
In the previous episode…
In the previous episode, we saw how one can
define an extensible language feature as a functor parameterized by the
to-be-built language of type Set
. For instance, we defined the Boolean
language feature as:
Inductive Boolean (E : Set) : Set :=
| MkBoolean (b : bool)
| IfThenElse (condition thenBranch elseBranch : E)
(NOTE: I did not mention that those are functors then, because we have not needed this fact yet.)
We saw that we can combine multiple such language features using a type-level
sum of functors: Boolean + Natural
is a compound language made of the two
features Boolean
, and Natural
We also went through the trouble of defining a type-level fixed point operator, allowing us to close and tie the knot for a given extensible language, turning it into a proper concrete language. Our final candidate for this operator was:
Definition FAlgebra (F : Set -> Set) (A : Set) : Set :=
F A -> A.
Definition Fix (F : Set -> Set) : Set :=
forall (A : Set), FAlgebra F A -> A.
(* i.e.
Fix F = forall (A : Set), (F A -> A) -> A
I am separating the definition of a FAlgebra
from the definition of Fix
unlike last time, because we will soon change the former. Let’s dissect what
this does some more.
The type Fix F
makes a strong claim: let’s assume we have an expression e
type Fix F
. For any type A
, if you give e
a function whose type is F A
-> A
, e
will return an A
. Surely e
cannot be closed over a value of type
, since the client gets to choose whichever A
they want! Yet, e
able to produce an A
, when the only way to produce an A
is to call this
function of type F A -> A
. Somehow, e
is able to call this
function… Let’s recall how it does so.
In the previous post, we used this in a loopy way to build values of type Fix
. Remember how we defined smart constructors:
Definition boolean
{E : Set -> Set}
`{E supports Boolean}
(b : Boolean)
: Fix E (* i.e. forall (A : Set), (E A -> A) -> A *)
:= fun A wrap => wrap (inject (MkBoolean b)).
A-ha! Because MkBoolean
does not contain any value of the type it is
parameterized with, it can inhabit Boolean X
for any X
, in particular, it
can pretend to be a Boolean A
for our wrap
function . Here we then inject
the result of MkBoolean
into E
via inject
, giving us a value of type E
, which wrap
is happy to fold into our output of type A
Definition ifThenElse
{E : Set -> Set}
`{E supports Boolean}
(c t e : Fix E)
: Fix E
:= fun A wrap => wrap (inject (IfThenElse (c _ wrap) (t _ wrap) (e _ wrap))).
In ifThenElse
, the situation is more complicated since the three arguments to
are three values of type Fix E
, but we can fold them into values
of type A
by using the very same function wrap
, after which we have
IfThenElse (c _ wrap) (t _ wrap) (e _ wrap)
, a value of type Boolean A
ready to be injected and wrapped itself!
I was being intentionally misleading by calling the argument wrap
in the
previous blog post, since there we were using it to wrap values of type E (Fix
into values of type Fix E
. But remember that Fix E
stands for values
that can be folded into any resulting type A
: what is going on in ifThenElse
is much more powerful than simply creating expressions! To convince yourself,
let me demonstrate.
Remember, if a value has type Fix E
, it has type forall (A : Set), (F A -> A)
-> A
. Let’s plug in Boolean
for E
, and (nat * nat)
for A
. Assume I
have a value someTerm : Fix Boolean
, it follows that someTerm (nat * nat)
has type (Boolean (nat * nat) -> (nat * nat)) -> (nat * nat)
someTerm : Fix Boolean
(* unfold Fix and FAlgebra *)
someTerm : forall (A : Set), (Boolean A -> A ) -> A
(* instantiate A into (nat * nat) *)
someTerm (nat * nat) : (Boolean (nat * nat) -> (nat * nat)) -> (nat * nat)
Let us build a function to pass here as input:
Definition countFalsesAndTrues (b : Boolean (nat * nat)) : (nat * nat) :=
match b with
| MkBoolean false => (1, 0)
| MkBoolean true => (0, 1)
| IfThenElse (cf, ct) (tf, tt') (ef, et) => (cf + tf + ef, ct + tt' + et)
This function takes as input a Boolean
extensible expression whose recursive
occurrences contain values of type (nat * nat)
. It tries and counts the
occurrences of the constant false
and true
- when the expression is
, that’s 1false
and 0true
, - when the expression is
, that’s 0false
and 1true
, - when the expression is
if ... then ... else ...
, let’s assume (for now, we will get to this) that each sub-expression has been replaced with its two counts, we can return the sum of the appropriate pairing of counts.
Lo and behold:
Definition someTerm : Fix Boolean :=
ifThenElse (boolean true)
(ifThenElse (boolean true) (boolean true) (boolean false))
(boolean false).
Compute (someTerm (nat * nat)%type countFalsesAndTrues).
= (2, 3)
: nat * nat
Indeed there are 2 false
s and 3 true
s in someTerm
! countFalsesAndTrues
is what is called a F-algebra for the Boolean
functor, and
are effectively defining a fold with this algebra. Let
us look at the definition of ifThenElse
with this new perspective:
fun _ wrap => wrap (inject (IfThenElse (c _ wrap) (t _ wrap) (e _ wrap))).
In fact, let’s rename this wrap
into alg
now that we think of it in more
operational terms:
fun _ alg => alg (inject (IfThenElse (c _ alg) (t _ alg) (e _ alg))).
As you can see, ifThenElse
first recursively folds its three arguments, c
, and e
, with the algebra alg
. Then, it runs alg
on IfThenElse c' t'
, where c'
is the result of folding c
, and respectively for t'
. This explains why, in the definition of the countFalsesAndTrues
algebra, I said we could assume that the IfThenElse
constructor contained the
recursive results! (NOTE: because we are not using a compound language,
here goes from Boolean
to Boolean
and is an identity.)
If this does not make sense, I encourage you to read the excellent series of blog posts on recursion schemes here, and then come back to this post with your algebraically-opened eyes!
F-algebras are too greedy
Great, our extensible terms are folds for whatever F-algebras we throw at them. Let’s assume that we have an evaluation algebra for a complex language. Think about what happens when I evaluate:
if true then 42 else expensiveComputation
(fix rec n => if n = 0 then 1 else n * rec (n - 1)) 3
In both cases, our ifThenElse
extensible term will receive its three
arguments, run the evaluation algebra on all three, and then, … Wait a second,
even though the branch taken is true
, our extensible term is evaluating
! Even worse, in the second case, evaluating the
expression will require evaluating rec 2
, which will want to evaluate rec 1
which will want to evaluate rec 0
, which, even though the branch taken will be
the true branch, will still go and evaluate rec (-1)
, and rec (-2)
, and…
This will never terminate!
Mendler algebras
F-algebras have this problem: because all they ask of their client is a function to combine the recursive results, there is no way to stage the recursive computations and delay or ignore some of them. In order to allow for this fine-tuning, we must give a means for the client to describe the order of evaluation. This can be done with the following modified algebra signature:
Definition MendlerAlgebra (F : Set -> Set) (A : Set) : Set :=
forall (R : Set), (R -> A) -> F R -> A.
(* And [Fix] can be re-defined as: *)
Definition Fix (F : Set -> Set) : Set :=
forall (A : Set), MendlerAlgebra F A -> A.
Whereas the client used to be given a copy of F A
, containing concrete results
of the recursive calls, they are now given a copy of F R
for an abstracted
. They cannot possibly interact with the R
s they may find in there, except
by applying the function of type R -> A
we provide them with. Indeed, this
function is how they will indicate that they would like to perform a recursive
call, after which we gladly give them the result of type A
Do notice that this is a generalization of FAlgebra
: if you pass in A
, and the identity function, to a Mendler algebra, it boils down to a
Let’s see how this updated definition affects our smart constructors:
Definition ifThenElse
{E : Set -> Set}
`{E supports Boolean}
(c t e : Fix E)
: Fix E
:= fun A malg =>
malg (Fix E) (fun e => e A malg) (inject (IfThenElse c t e)).
It’s almost the same, except that we must instantiate R
and the function R ->
. Because we are allowed to pick any R
, we choose R
to be Fix E
, the
type of expressions from our language: indeed, they will remain unevaluated
until they reach the “recursive call” function, of abstract type R -> A
, which
in our case will therefore be Fix E -> A
Said function receives the term e
, still unevaluated, and only then passes
to it, so that it may start evaluating. Importantly, the type Fix E
contains a universal quantification on all Set
, so the code shown here needs
impredicative Set
to work. You can add the line -arg -impredicative-set
your _CoqProject
, or use local environment variables, or find some other
solution on your own.
The attached code contains some tests to try and show how this indeed makes it so that the recursive calls are only performed when needed (though Coq’s caching mechanism sometimes gets in the way of testing this safely).
(NOTE: I initially had the wrong code here, passing malg
directly to c
, t
and e
, which made them start evaluating. It should not be corrected in the
post and the attached code. Props to /u/Syrak for noticing!)
Compound algebras for compound languages
Let us now add some more machinery, so that we can define functions of compound
languages by parts. That is, given two language features, say Boolean
, I’d like to define some function of type Fix (Boolean + Natural) ->
, not monolithically, but rather, by defining its two components of
type Boolean ResultType -> ResultType
and Natural ResultType -> ResultType
and by combining those together.
To capture what we want to do, it will help to define a type class for such
program algebras. Because the type class resolution is type-driven, and because
we may want to define multiple functions with the same type signature, we will
help the type class mechanism by annotating every program algebra component with
tag, describing what operation it is a component of. The ProgramAlgebra
class will therefore be:
Class ProgramAlgebra (Tag : Set) F A :=
programAlgebra : forall (R : Set), (R -> A) -> F R -> A;
Nothing new here, the class ProgramAlgebra Tag F A
contains a Mendler Algebra
for functor F
, returning results of type A
, and tagged for the operation
indicated with Tag
. Let’s look at an instance right away, for an evaluation
algebra. Because we will evaluate a language with Boolean
and Natural
, the
values we can obtain as a result of evaluation will either be a boolean, a
natural, or an error (say if someone tried to add a number to a boolean). While
in general, the output type can also be extensible, we will set it in stone here:
Inductive EvalResult :=
| ValueBoolean (b : bool)
| ValueNatural (n : nat)
| Stuck
And here is the component of evaluation at the Boolean
Variant ForEval := . (* tag for all program algebras of [Eval] *)
Global Instance Eval__Boolean
: ProgramAlgebra ForEval Boolean EvalResult
programAlgebra :=
fun _ rec b =>
match b with
| MkBoolean b => ValueBoolean b
| IfThenElse c t e =>
match rec c with
| ValueBoolean b => if b then rec t else rec e
| _ => Stuck
A boolean expression evaluates to a boolean value. An if-then-else expression
requires recursive, properly delayed evaluation. If the condition does not
evaluate to a boolean, we’re stuck. Note that because we don’t have a type
system yet, we happily evaluate ill-typed terms like if true then 2 else
Recalling our Natural
feature from the previous blog post, we can also define
the component of the evaluation algebra at it:
Global Instance Eval__Natural
: ProgramAlgebra ForEval Natural EvalResult
programAlgebra :=
fun _ rec n =>
match n with
| MkNatural n => ValueNatural n
| Plus a b =>
match (rec a, rec b) with
| (ValueNatural a, ValueNatural b) => ValueNatural (a + b)
| _ => Stuck
And recalling how we built compound languages out of the type-level sum of the features, we will now describe how to build compound program algebras:
Global Instance ProgramAlgebra__Sum1
(Tag : Set) (F G : Set -> Set)
(A : Set)
`{ProgramAlgebra Tag F A}
`{ProgramAlgebra Tag G A}
: ProgramAlgebra Tag (F + G) A
programAlgebra :=
fun _ rec s =>
match s with
| inl1 l => programAlgebra _ rec l
| inr1 r => programAlgebra _ rec r
Given two features F
and G
, and their respective A
-producing program
algebra for a given Tag
, we can build a program algebra for the compound
language F + G
. It suffices to dispatch to the appropriate program algebra.
With this, we can define an eval
function for Boolean + Natural
simply as:
Definition eval
(e : Fix (Boolean + Natural))
: EvalResult
:= e _ (programAlgebra (Tag := ForEval)).
Note that programAlgebra
in this definition is overloaded. The type class
mechanism is looking for a ProgramAlgebra
with tag ForEval
and language
Boolean + Natural
. It uses ProgramAlgebra__Sum1
to build such a program
algebra out of the two components we defined earlier. Here, we don’t have
to pass in the ForEval
tag, because there is no ambiguity, but in general,
it’s good to put it, so that we don’t accidentally run another algebra with
identical type to the one we are targetting.
Finally, we can demonstrate that indeed evaluation is now working, jumping
between evaluation of Boolean
and evaluation of Natural
as needed:
Compute (
(ifThenElse (boolean false) (natural 22) (natural 41))
(natural 1)
= ValueNatural 42
: EvalResult
To be continued…
We now have the means of building programs by components over our extensible language features, and combining them into programs for larger languages.
Of course, the fun really begins when we want and reason about such extensible programs. But that’s for another post!
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