NOTE: The code for this post is located here. Sadly, files are sorted alphabetically, you can click “Download ZIP” to get them locally. All code snippets where it is relevant are annotated with the file they came from.

In the previous episode…

In the previous episode, we saw how to define extensible computations over extensible languages. Today, we will see how to define extensible properties of extensible computations over extensible languages!

There will be a lot of code, which I will try to cover in order of its dependencies, though we might sometimes foray ahead before going back to definitions, for the sake of our story.

Because we already have a lot to cover, some of the lemmas presented here will be admitted: proving them will require adding a lot of extra information to our data types, which will only make the presentation less readable. In the interest of keeping this post at a reasonable level of complexity, I am using a simpler presentation and admitting those lemmas. A subsequent post will show how to enhance our data types and demonstrate those lemmas.


We will also be making changes to pre-existing code, so let’s review where we are. This time around, we will use the fact that our extensible language features are proper Functors, so we introduce a type class for those:

(* Functor.v *)

Class Functor (F : Set -> Set) :=
    fmap : forall {A B : Set} (f : A -> B), F A -> F B;

Features being Functors, a compound language will support a feature whenever it is a super-functor of that feature. We define a notion of SubFunctor to capture this sub-typing relation:

(* SubFunctor.v *)

Class SubFunctor
      F E
      `{Functor F} `{Functor E}
      inject  : forall {A : Set}, F A -> E A;
      project : forall {A : Set}, E A -> option (F A);

The actual SubFunctor class contains three extra properties of inject, project, and fmap. I will come back to those as they become relevant to our proofs. I will almost always write G supports F to indicate that F is a sub-functor of G with all those nice properties.

Again, we have a notion of a sum of functors, usually noted F + G, with proper sub-functor instances, such that F supports F unconditionally, and (G + H) supports F whenever either G supports F or H supports F.

As in the previous post, we will reify the concepts of Algebra and MendlerAlgebra, and will define a Fix type operator for some functor F that stands for the set of all folds of its MendlerAlgebras.

(* SubFunctor.v *)

Definition Algebra (F : Set -> Set) (A : Set) : Set :=
  F A -> A.

Definition MendlerAlgebra (F : Set -> Set) (A : Set) : Set :=
  forall (R : Set), (R -> A) -> F R -> A.

Definition Fix (F : Set -> Set) : Set :=
  forall (A : Set), MendlerAlgebra F A -> A.

As in the previous post, it will be useful to have a type class for tagged Mendler algebras, so as to categorize them by the extensible operation that they participate in creating.

(* Algebra.v *)

Class ProgramAlgebra (Tag : Set) F A :=
    programAlgebra : MendlerAlgebra F A;

Mendler algebras and F-algebras each give rise to a folding operation, crunching down a fixed point of their functor (for our purposes, a nested expression) into a result.

(* Algebra.v *)

Definition mendlerFold
           {E A} (alg : MendlerAlgebra E A)
  : Fix E -> A
  := fun e => e A alg.

Definition fold
           {E A} `{Functor E} (alg : Algebra E A)
  : Fix E -> A
  := mendlerFold (fun r rec fa => alg (fmap rec fa)).

We can use those folds to define the usual wrapping and unwrapping operations that are standard in iso-recursive presentations of recursive types: the wrapping operator wraps a E (Fix E) into a Fix E, while the unwrapping operation does the reverse.

(* Algebra.v *)

Definition wrapF
           {E} (unwrapped : E (Fix E))
  : Fix E
  := fun A f => f _ (mendlerFold f) unwrapped.

Definition unwrapF
           {E} `{Functor E}
  : Fix E -> E (Fix E)
  := fold (fmap wrapF).

In general, however, we will want to wrap values of type F (Fix E), for F some feature of E. Think of E as the compound language of Boolean + Natural, and F being just the Boolean language feature. It is pretty easy to define such a generalized wrappping function: because F is a sub-functor of E, there exists an inject function that turns F A into E A, for any A.

(* Algebra.v *)

Definition injectF
           {E F}
           `{Functor E} `{Functor F}
           `{E supports F}
           (f : F (Fix E))
  : Fix E
  := wrapF (inject f).

The unwrapping function, on the other hand, is not guaranteed to succeed: if you wrapped a Boolean (Fix E) into a Fix E, asking for it to be unwrapped as a Natural (Fix E) should not succeed! As such, it returns an option type.

(* Algebra.v *)

Definition projectF
           {E F}
           `{Functor E} `{Functor F}
           `{E supports F}
           (e : Fix E)
  : option (F (Fix E))
  := project (unwrapF e).

Evaluation algebras

Like in the last post, we will define a class of extensible program algebras that implement an evaluation function for our language features. So that all such algebras agree on the type of the operation they implement, we define its return type in one central location.

(* Eval.v *)

Definition EvalResult V := Fix V.

In the previous post, we were targetting a concrete type of results for our evaluation algebra. Here, we will rather target an extensible language of results, since we want to allow adding new language features that may evaluate to new values. So we just ask for the compound language of result values R, and return an extensible term for said language.

We also define the tag ForEval for this operation (again, to help type class resolution pick instances based on tags), and we define the overloaded eval operation, to be realized for any language E that has a corresponding program algebra available.

(* Eval.v *)

Variant ForEval := .

Definition eval
           {E V}
           {eval__E : ProgramAlgebra ForEval E (EvalResult V)}
  : Fix E -> EvalResult V
  := mendlerFold programAlgebra.

Note that all extensible functions will be defined as mendlerFold programAlgebra, given that the proper program algebra is in scope: programAlgebra is the overloaded type class member that gets resolved according to the signature of the operation.

Let us now focus on our Boolean language feature, and implement a program algebra for evaluation its boolean expressions.

Global Instance Eval__Boolean
       V `{Functor V}
  : ProgramAlgebra ForEval Boolean (EvalResult V)
      programAlgebra :=
        fun A rec b =>
          match b with
          | MkBoolean b      => (* ... *)
          | IfThenElse c t e => (* ... *)

If the expression is MkBoolean b, well, that’s a boolean value, so we’d like to leave it as is. This will require adding the constraint V supports Boolean, since we must inject the result into this abstract V.

Global Instance Eval__Boolean
       V `{Functor V}
       `{V supports Boolean}
  : ProgramAlgebra ForEval Boolean (EvalResult V)
      programAlgebra :=
        fun A rec b =>
          match b with
          | MkBoolean b      => boolean b
          | IfThenElse c t e => (* ... *)

Let’s now focus on the IfThenElse case:

          | IfThenElse c t e => (* ... *)

Evaluating this requires, first, recursively evaluating the condition, then, branching on it, and either evaluating the t branch, or the e branch. But the result of evaluating the condition, rec c, is an extensible result, of type Fix V. While we demand that V supports Boolean, we cannot guarantee that what we get back is a Boolean expression, after all, this language is currently untyped, and V could admit other values!

We will build a convenient “pattern-matching” construct, that will not only check whether a given extensible term can be successfully projected in the Boolean feature, and if so, check whether it has the MkBoolean constructor, and if this also succeeds, it will extract the boolean within. That’s pretty nifty, and not too hard to write.

(* Boolean.v *)

Definition matchBoolean
           {E} `{Functor E} `{E supports Boolean}
  : Fix E -> option bool
  := fun v =>
       match projectF v with
       | Some (MkBoolean b) => Some b
       | _                  => None

Indeed, projectF does half the job, returning an option (Boolean (Fix E)). If it fails, we fail. If it succeeds, we check whether it is the MkBoolean constructor, otherwise we fail. If everything succeeds, we successfully return the extracted b. With this operation, we are one step closer to implementing our branch.

          | IfThenElse c t e =>
            match isBoolean (rec c) with
            | Some b => if b then rec t else rec e
            | _      => (* ... *)

But what to return if the condition was not a boolean (this may happen), or a boolean yet not a value (this may not happen, but the type-checker can not realize that)? We will need some language feature in our result type to hold failures. We define such a feature called Stuck (see Stuck.v), and can finish our implementation by adding an extra V supports Stuck condition.

(* Boolean.v *)

Global Instance Eval__Boolean
       V `{Functor V}
       `{V supports Boolean}
       `{V supports Stuck}
  : ProgramAlgebra ForEval Boolean (EvalResult V)
      programAlgebra :=
        fun _ rec b =>
          match b with
          | MkBoolean b      => boolean b
          | IfThenElse c t e =>
            match isBoolean (rec c) with
            | Some b => if b then rec t else rec e
            | _      => stuck IfConditionNotBoolean

Pretty cool, no? The implementation of evaluation for the Natural feature is very similar to this one, so I will not go over it. Let’s move on to the second piece of our puzzle.

Type inference algebras

Now would be a good time to let you in on the end goal of this post: we will try and prove type soundness for a compound language. We will write an extensible operation typeOf that infers a type for an expression, when it admits one. We will write an extensible relation WellTypedValue, that captures only those expressions we consider values, and relates them to the type we want them to have. Given those, we’d like to show that if typeOf e succeeds, inferring a type tau, then the result of eval e is a value of type tau, according to our extensible relation.

Let us prepare the terrain for our typeOf operation. Again, this means defining its return type, creating a tag for its ProgramAlgebras, and defining the overloaded operation.

(* TypeOf.v *)

Definition TypeOfResult T := option (Fix T).

Variant ForTypeOf := .

Definition typeOf
           {E T}
           {typeOf__E : ProgramAlgebra ForTypeOf E (TypeOfResult T)}
  : Fix E -> TypeOfResult T
  := mendlerFold programAlgebra.

We will have two new extensible languages, BooleanType and NaturalType, that are our two base types, with smart constructors booleanType and naturalType. Let’s now look at the implementation of typeOf for Boolean.

(* Boolean.v *)

Global Instance TypeOf__Boolean
       {T} `{Functor T} `{T supports BooleanType}
  : ProgramAlgebra ForTypeOf Boolean (TypeOfResult T)
      programAlgebra :=
        fun _ rec v =>
          match v with
          | MkBoolean _      => Some booleanType
          | IfThenElse c t e => (* ... *)

For ifThenElse, we want to check whether the condition is indeed a boolean condition. This is done with another “pattern-matching” helper, isBooleanType, though this one does not have anything useful to bind, therefore it just returns a bool.

          | IfThenElse c t e =>
            match rec c with
            | Some tau__c =>
              if isBooleanType tau__c
                match (rec t, rec e) with
                | (Some tau__t, Some tau__e) => (* ... *)
                | _                          => None

Now what to do when we have the type tau__t of expression t, and the type tau__e of expression e? The branches of boolean expressions must have the same type for the expression to be well-typed. We’d like to know whether they are the same type, but those are extensible types (they have type TypeResult T, which means Fix T, for some abstract T), so how to compare them? We will need a new extensible operation: a check for type equality.

Interlude: algebras for type equality

Once more, a return type, a tag, and an overloaded operation.

(* TypeEquality.v *)

Definition TypeEqualityResult T := Fix T -> bool.

Variant ForTypeEquality := .

Definition typeEquality
           {typeEquality__T : ProgramAlgebra ForTypeEquality T (TypeEqualityResult T)}
  : Fix T -> TypeEqualityResult T
  := mendlerFold programAlgebra.

Of note, because [typeEquality] is a binary operation, we see a curried return type, Fix T -> bool, expecting the second type to compare against. This time around, we have an operation on types, so we will have to implement it for our type features, BooleanType and NaturalType. The implementations are very straightforward: because we are in a given feature, we can get the curried argument (the second type, to compare against), and make sure that it is the same as the current type, using respectively isBooleanType and isNaturalType. For instance, in BooleanType:

(* BooleanType.v *)

Global Instance TypeEquality__BooleanType
           T `{Functor T} `{T supports BooleanType}
  : ProgramAlgebra ForTypeEquality BooleanType (TypeEqualityResult T)
    {| programAlgebra :=
         fun _ _ '(MkBooleanType) => fun t => isBooleanType t;

Back to type inference

It now suffices to use the overloaded typeEquality operation to finish implementing typeOf for Boolean. Of course, we must require the existence of a ProgramAlgebra for the typeEquality operation. Our final implementation is:

(* Boolean.v *)

Global Instance TypeOf__Boolean
       {T} `{Functor T} `{T supports BooleanType}
       {TypeEquality__T : ProgramAlgebra ForTypeEquality T (TypeEqualityResult T)}
  : ProgramAlgebra ForTypeOf Boolean (TypeOfResult T)
      programAlgebra :=
        fun _ rec v =>
          match v with
          | MkBoolean _ => Some booleanType
          | IfThenElse c t e =>
            match rec c with
            | Some tau__c =>
              if isBooleanType tau__c
                match (rec t, rec e) with
                | (Some tau__t, Some tau__e) =>
                  if typeEquality tau__t tau__e
                  then Some tau__t
                  else None
                | _ => None
              else None
            | None => None

The implementation for Natural is strictly simpler, so we won’t spend time examining it here. We have defined eval and its evaluation algebras, as well as typeOf and its type inference algebras. The third piece necessary to be able to state our theorem of interest is the aforementioned extensible relation WellTypedValue, defining which expressions are considered values, and what their type is.

Indexed algebras for relations

In a non-extensible setting, we would define this relation as an indexed family, WellTypedValue : Type -> Expr -> Prop. To deal with the indexing, we will need to define indexed versions of functors, sub-functors, algebras, etc. I will use some notations to try and keep things concise. An I-indexedProp will simply be a proposition indexed by some type I. An I-indexedPropFunctor will be a functor taking an I-indexedProp to an I-indexedProp. In practice, it will mean one of our extensible I-indexed relations.

(* IndexedFunctor.v *)

Notation "I '-indexedProp'" := (I -> Prop) (at level 50, only parsing).
Notation "I '-indexedPropFunctor'" := (I-indexedProp -> I-indexedProp) (at level 50).

This lets us have one index, but WellTypedValue would really like to have two indices: a type, and an expression. To reconcile this, we will worked with uncurried versions of our multi-indexed relations. Instead of simply packing together our indices with anonymous pairs, it will be nicer to define a record type to use as the uncurried index. For WellTypedValue, we will therefore use the following type for index:

(* WellTypedValue.v *)

Record TypedExpr T E : Set :=
    type : Fix T;
    expr : Fix E;

With this, we can define WellTypedValue by components, as a bunch of (TypedExpr T E)-indexedPropFunctor. We can combine those in an analog way to program algebras, using a sum of indexed functors. The implementation of this relation for Boolean is fairly trivial:

(* Boolean.v *)

Inductive WellTypedValue__Boolean
          {T E}
          `{Functor T} `{Functor E}
          `{T supports BooleanType}
          `{E supports Boolean}
          (WTV : TypedExpr T E -> Prop)
  : TypedExpr T E -> Prop
  | WellTypedValue__boolean : forall tau e b,
      e = boolean b ->
      tau = booleanType ->
      WellTypedValue__Boolean WTV {| type := tau; expr := e |}

A Boolean value is one built with the boolean constructor, and its type is booleanType. Expressions constructed with ifThenElse are not considered values, until they are evaluated. The implementation for Natural is analogous, with only natural being a value.

Type soundness statement

We now have all the pieces ready to state our theorem! Without further ado:

(* Soundness.v *)

Definition SoundnessStatement
           {T E V}
           `{Functor T} `{Functor E} `{Functor V}
           (WTV : (TypedExpr T V)-indexedPropFunctor)
           `{Eval__E   : ProgramAlgebra ForEval   E (EvalResult   V)}
           `{TypeOf__E : ProgramAlgebra ForTypeOf E (TypeOfResult T)}
           (e : Fix E)
  : Prop
  := forall (tau : Fix T),
    typeOf e = Some tau ->
    IndexedFix WTV {| type := tau; expr := eval e; |}.

For some given type language T, expression language E, “value” language V, well-typed relation WTV, evaluation algebra Eval__E, and type inference algebra TypeOf__E, the soundness statement for some expression e states that if its type is inferred to be tau, then eval e is a well-typed value of type tau.

Note that the language V may contain non-values, to be more precise, it is the target language of our evaluator. Also notice that we weirdly placed e within the parameters, but tau within the proposition: this will come in handy to build an extensible proof, but rest assured that we will prove the statement for all e!

If we have an algebra for our SoundnessStatement, we would like to be able to conclude soundness for all expressions! But because Prop is not computationally relevant, it would be somewhat silly to build a ProgramAlgebra, we don’t need the power of Mendler algebras for proofs. Let us have a ProofAlgebra type class for tagged F-algebras, meant for proofs.

(* Algebra.v *)

Class ProofAlgebra (Tag : Set) F A :=
    proofAlgebra : Algebra F A;

With such a proof algebra, our theorem for soundness will be:

(* Soundness.v *)

Theorem Soundness
        {T E V}
        `{Functor T} `{Functor E} `{Functor V}
        (WTV : (TypedExpr T V)-indexedPropFunctor)
        `{Eval__E      : ProgramAlgebra ForEval      E (EvalResult   V)}
        `{TypeOf__E    : ProgramAlgebra ForTypeOf    E (TypeOfResult T)}
        `{Soundness__E : ProofAlgebra   ForSoundness E (sig (SoundnessStatement WTV))}
  : forall (e : Fix E) (tau : Fix T),
    typeOf e = Some tau ->
    IndexedFix WTV {| type := tau; expr := eval e; |}.

Hmmm, what’s this sig (SoundnessStatement WTV) business? Well, as part of the proof, we will need to instantiate our inductive hypothesis of soundness for a variety of expressions. Unfortunately, our algebras don’t have a way of making the type of their output depend on the value they are folding over. However, there is a roundabout way of doing so: the algebra could return a dependent pair { e : Fix E | SoundnessStatement WTV e }, whose first component is the very expression that was passed in, and the second component is the proof that our property holds for that expression. Of course, this signature does not enforce that the expression we get out is the same that was folded over: the proof algebra could be cheeky and pick some arbitrary e and build the proof for that one only! In the subsequent post, we will add a well-formedness condition for our proof algebras so that they may not cheat so. For now, we will simply be diligent in building proof algebras, and assume that all proof algebras are well behaved.

The proof of our Soundness theorem will follow from a lemma asserting that well-formed proof algebras let us reason by induction over them:

Lemma Induction
      {Tag F} `{Functor F}
      {P : Fix F -> Prop}
      `{ProofAlgebra Tag F (sig P)}
  : forall (f : Fix F),
    P f.
Admitted. (* similar lemma to be proven in another blog post *)

Of course we won’t be able to prove this lemma until we describe well-formedness for proof algebras. So for today, we admit it.

Type soundness algebras

While we glossed over some of the theory, building proof algebras for our couple language features will provide plenty enough entertainment for this blog post. Let’s start with the Boolean language feature. I like to define an induction principle for each language feature: we will use it to build proof algebras piece wise, constructor by constructor.

(* Boolean.v *)

Definition Induction__Boolean
           {E} `{Functor E} `{E supports Boolean}
           (P : Fix E -> Prop)
           (H__boolean : forall b, P (boolean b))
           (H__ifThenElse :
              forall (c t e : sig P),
                let c := proj1_sig c in
                let t := proj1_sig t in
                let e := proj1_sig e in
                P (ifThenElse c t e))
  : Algebra Boolean (sig P)
  := fun e =>
       match e with
       | MkBoolean b => exist _ _ (H__boolean b)
       | IfThenElse c t e =>
         exist _ _ (H__ifThenElse c t e)

The H__boolean hypothesis must prove the base case, while the H__ifThenElse hypothesis receives condition c, then-branch t and else-branch e, packed with their induction hypothesis (remember, sig P stands for { x : Fix E | P x }, a pair of an expression and its P proof).

Let’s start by proving the base case boolean for Soundness. The lemma we want is:

(* Boolean.v *)

Lemma Soundness__boolean
      {T E V}
      `{Functor T} `{Functor E} `{Functor V}
      `{T supports BooleanType}
      `{E supports Boolean}
      `{V supports Boolean}
      `{V supports Stuck}
      (WTV : (TypedExpr T V)-indexedPropFunctor)
      `((WTV supports WellTypedValue__Boolean)%IndexedSubFunctor)
      `{Eval__E         : ProgramAlgebra ForEval         E (EvalResult   V)}
      `{TypeEquality__T : ProgramAlgebra ForTypeEquality T (TypeEqualityResult T)}
      `{TypeOf__E       : ProgramAlgebra ForTypeOf       E (TypeOfResult T)}
  : forall (b : bool), SoundnessStatement WTV (boolean b).
(* This unfolds to:

    forall (b : bool),
      forall tau,
        typeOf (boolean b) = Some tau ->
        IndexedFix WTV {| type := tau; expr := eval (boolean b); |}.


Why should this hold? Well, typeOf (boolean b) better give us Some booleanType, so tau should be equal to booleanType. On the other hand, eval (boolean b) should reduce to boolean b. And indeed, because WTV supports WellTypedValue__Boolean, it should agree that boolean b is a value, and that its type is booleanType. Let’s see how this plays out in practice.

As we begin the proof, we can start unfolding typeOf and eval, revealing which overloaded definition is being used. After unfolding several definitions, the goal is stuck at:

programAlgebra (Fix E) (mendlerFold programAlgebra) (inject (MkBoolean b)) = Some tau ->
  IndexedFix WTV
    type := tau;
    expr := programAlgebra (Fix E) (mendlerFold programAlgebra)
              (inject (MkBoolean b)) |}

Both the typeOf and the eval operations are stuck trying to dispatch, because they’re supposed to use the algebra for E, which is an abstract super-functor. But the term they receive is inject (MkBoolean b), so we’d expect the dispatch to go to the Eval__Boolean and TypeOf__Boolean algebras, respectively. However, this is only true if the super-functor has been correctly built, and Coq cannot guarantee this without us explicitly stating it. What we need now is a property stating that a program algebra for a super-functor correctly dispatches to its sub-functors.

(* Algebra.v *)

Class WellFormedCompoundProgramAlgebra
      Tag E F {A}
      `{Functor E} `{Functor F}
      `{E supports F}
      `{ProgramAlgebra Tag E A}
      `{ProgramAlgebra Tag F A}
      : forall T rec fa,
        programAlgebra T rec (inject (E := E) fa)
        programAlgebra T rec fa;

Given two ambient program algebras for some operation, one operating over a super-functor E, and the other one operating about one of its sub-functors F, the super-algebra is a well-formed compound algebra when the result of running the super-algebra over a F-expression upcasted into an E-expression is the same as the result of running the algebra for F over the initial F-expression. No shenanigans when injecting expressions into larger languages!

We can automatically build proof of well-formed compoundness via type class instances, since we will always create larger algebras using sums of functors. Having done so, we can now add a WellFormedCompoundProgramAlgebra condition to our Soundness__boolean, which will let us make progress from our stuck goal:

programAlgebra (Fix E) (mendlerFold programAlgebra) (inject (MkBoolean b)) = Some tau ->
  IndexedFix WTV
    type := tau;
    expr := programAlgebra (Fix E) (mendlerFold programAlgebra)
              (inject (MkBoolean b)) |}

We can now rewrite with wellFormedCompoundProgramAlgebra, and simplify this goal!

Some booleanType = Some tau ->
IndexedFix WTV {| type := tau; expr := boolean b |}

The first equality can be inverted to show that tau is equal to booleanType, and so our final goal is:

IndexedFix WTV {| type := booleanType; expr := boolean b |}

Clearly this ought to be true! In general, to prove a result of a fixed point type, we need to use the wrapping function for that fixed point (here, indexedWrapF). It asks us to provide an unwrapped value:

WTV (IndexedFix WTV) {| type := booleanType; expr := boolean b |}

One of our preconditions was that this abstract WTV was a super-functor of our concrete WellTypedValue__Boolean. As such, we can create a WTV value by injecting a WellTypedValue__Boolean value into it. Our final goal is:

WellTypedValue__Boolean (IndexedFix WTV) {| type := booleanType; expr := boolean b |}

This is exactly the case that’s handled by the WellTypedValue__boolean constructor, and so the proof is concluded!

Alright, but this was the easy, base case right? Let’s now turn to the ifThenElse case, as it will bring up more challenges! Learning from the base case, we can start stating this lemma as:

(* Boolean.v *)

Lemma Soundness__ifThenElse
      {T E V}
      `{Functor T} `{Functor E} `{Functor V}
      `{T supports BooleanType}
      `{E supports Boolean}
      `{V supports Boolean}
      `{V supports Stuck}
      (WTV : (TypedExpr T V)-indexedPropFunctor)
      `((WTV supports WellTypedValue__Boolean)%IndexedSubFunctor)
      `{Eval__E         : ProgramAlgebra ForEval         E (EvalResult V)}
      `{TypeEquality__T : ProgramAlgebra ForTypeEquality T (TypeEqualityResult T)}
      `{TypeOf__E       : ProgramAlgebra ForTypeOf       E (TypeOfResult T)}
      `{! WellFormedCompoundProgramAlgebra ForEval   E Boolean}
      `{! WellFormedCompoundProgramAlgebra ForTypeOf E Boolean}
  : forall (c t e : sig (SoundnessStatement WTV)),
    let c := proj1_sig c in
    let t := proj1_sig t in
    let e := proj1_sig e in
    SoundnessStatement WTV (ifThenElse c t e).
(* This unfolds to:

forall (c t e : sig (SoundnessStatement WTV)),
    let c := proj1_sig c in
    let t := proj1_sig t in
    let e := proj1_sig e in
    forall tau,
      typeOf (ifThenElse c t e) = Some tau ->
      IndexedFix WTV {| type := tau; expr := eval (ifThenElse c t e); |}.


Because this is an inductive case, we can ask for c, t, and e, to come bundled with a proof that they themselves satisfy the soundness statement (that is, that they each evaluate to a well-typed value). This is, again, achieved via sig, a dependent pair type. After some unfolding, more uses of our well-formed dispatching lemma, and some re-folding, the goal is:

  forall tau : Fix T,
  match typeOf c with
  | Some tau__c =>
      if isBooleanType tau__c
       match typeOf t with
       | Some tau__t =>
           match typeOf e with
           | Some tau__e =>
               if typeEquality tau__t tau__e then Some tau__t else None
           | None => None
       | None => None
      else None
  | None => None
  end = Some tau ->
  IndexedFix WTV
    type := tau;
    expr := match isBoolean (eval c) with
            | Some true => eval t
            | Some false => eval e
            | None => stuck IfConditionNotBoolean
            end |}

The long pre-condition is the inlining of the implementation of typeOf for ifThenElse. Similarly, the match in the conclusion is the inlining of eval for ifThenElse. Nothing should be surprising here. Notice that most branches of the hypothesis produce a None, yet the pre-condition wants a Some tau, so we can destruct the discriminees of those match statements and immediately disregard all but the one Some-producing case. So we destruct typeOf c, and find it to be equal to Some tau__c, which we retain as an equation! Indeed we can use it to instantiate the induction hypothesis for c, form which we derive IndexedFix WTV {| type := tau__c; expr := eval c |}! Same goes for typeOf t and typeOf e.

Along the way, we also picked up two extra equations, isBooleanType tau__c = true, and typeEquality tau__t tau__e = true. After unifying tau with tau__t by inversion, the goal to be proven is:

IndexedFix WTV
    type := tau__t;
    expr := match isBoolean (eval c) with
            | Some true => eval t
            | Some false => eval e
            | None => stuck IfConditionNotBoolean
            end |}

Now this is a little more involved than our base case. There are three ways this could go, based on the evaluation of isBoolean (eval c):

  1. If it evaluates to Some true, then we’d need to show that eval t is a value of type tau__t. This is easy, we have an inductive assumption stating it!

  2. If it evaluates to Some false, then we’d need to show that eval e is a value of type tau__t… huh, our induction hypothesis tells us it’s a value of type tau__e though. But remember we picked up this typeEquality tau__t tau__e = true assumption? We will need to work with this to show that indeed tau__t and tau__e are equal.

  3. If it evaluates to a None, that is, it was either not a value, or not a boolean one… well, that can not happen, and this can be demonstrated thanks to our induction hypothesis on c, and the isBooleanType tau__c = true we picked up along the way.

Let’s go ahead and show that case 3 may not happen, by proving that isBoolean (eval c) evaluates to Some b for some b. Let me give you the big picture. Because isBooleanType tau__c = true, we should be able to show that tau__c = booleanType. Now, this should let us transform our induction hypothesis on c to look like IndexedFix WTV {| type := booleanType; expr := eval c; |}. Just like we wanted to know that compound program algebras dispatched to the appropriate sub-functor, we would also like to know that compound inductive relations invert into the appropriate indexed sub-functor. In particular, we set things up here so that values of the booleanType type are described by the WellTypedValue__Boolean indexed functor. We would like to be able to invert IndexedFix WTV {| type := booleanType; expr := eval c; |} into the concrete WellTypedValue__Boolean (IndexedFix WTV) {| type := booleanType; expr := eval c; |}, which itself should be invertible into demonstrating that eval c = boolean b for some b.

Of course, it could be that WTV is made up of another indexed functor that tries and add other values of booleanType! So we should only be able to perform such an inversion under some well-formedness conditions for WTV, namely, that it only allows booleanType via WellTypedValue__Boolean. This property looks like this:

(* WellTypedValueProjection.v *)

Definition WellTypedValueProjectionStatement
           {T V}
           (WellTypedValue__F : (TypedExpr T V)-indexedPropFunctor)
           (tau : Fix T)
           (WellTypedValue__V : (TypedExpr T V)-indexedPropFunctor)
           (tv : TypedExpr T V)
  : Prop
  := type tv = tau ->
     WellTypedValue__F (IndexedFix WellTypedValue__V) tv.

Given an indexed functor WellTypedValue__F, and a concrete type tau, an indexed functor WellTypedValue__V projects correctly if whenever the type of some typed expression tv is tau, we can conclude that this typed expression satisfies WellTypdeValue__F, with its sub-expressions satisfying the (hypothetically larger) WellTypedValue__V. We can now add the following pre-condition to our proof:

      `{! IndexedProofAlgebra
          (WellTypedValueProjectionStatement WellTypedValue__Boolean

stating that WTV can be inverted into WellTypedValue__Boolean whenever the type of some typed expression is booleanType. Implementing instances of this proof algebra is almost trivial, so let’s move on.

We still have to show that we can invert isBooleanType tau__c = true into tau__c = booleanType. If you look up the implementation of isBooleanType, it tries to project its input from whichever super-functor it lives in, down to BooleanType. If this succeeds, well, given there’s only one BooleanType constructor, we’ve pretty much concluded that it was indeed booleanType. So we have projectF tau__c = Some MkBooleanType, and we’d like to conclude tau__c = inject MkBooleanType. For today, we will take this as an axiom, stay tuned for some rigorous proof!

Combining our two previous insights lets us deduce WellTypedValue__Boolean (IndexedFix WTV) {| type := tau__c; expr := eval c |} at last! We can now invert this concrete inductive predicate to deduce that eval c = boolean b for some b : bool. I don’t quite like Coq’s inversion tactic in this case, so I like to roll my own inversion lemma.

(* Boolean.v *)

Definition WellTypedValueInversionClear__Boolean
           {T V}
           `{Functor T} `{Functor V}
           `{T supports BooleanType}
           `{V supports Boolean}
           (WellTypedValue__V : (TypedExpr T V)-indexedProp)
           (tv : TypedExpr T V)
           (P : (TypedExpr T V)-indexedPropFunctor)
           (IH : forall tau v b,
               {| type := tau; expr := v |} = tv ->
               v = boolean b ->
               tau = booleanType ->
               P WellTypedValue__V {| type := tau; expr := v |})
           (WT : WellTypedValue__Boolean WellTypedValue__V tv)
  : P WellTypedValue__V tv
    match WT in (WellTypedValue__Boolean _ p) return (p = tv -> P WellTypedValue__V tv) with
    | WellTypedValue__boolean _ tau e b P__e P__tau =>
      fun EQ => eq_ind _ (fun p => P WellTypedValue__V p) (IH _ _ _ EQ P__e P__tau) tv EQ
    end eq_refl.

Of particular note, I place the inversion equation {| type := tau; expr := v |} = tv right at the beginning of my induction hypothesis, so that I can use ssreflect’s rewriting mechanism to immediately clean up my goal. After this inversion, our goal is:

IndexedFix WTV
    type := tau__t;
    expr := match isBoolean (boolean b) with
            | Some true => eval t
            | Some false => eval e
            | None => stuck IfConditionNotBoolean
            end |}

This is tantalizingly close! Surely isBoolean (boolean b) must evaluate to Some b, right?… Well, not so fast. isBoolean essentially boils down to project . unwrapF, where I use . for function composition. On the other hand, boolean boils down to wrapF . inject . MkBoolean. Once unfolded, isBoolean (boolean b) is actually project (unwrapF (wrapF (inject (MkBoolean b)))).

So let’s take this slowly: we start with MkBoolean b, of type Boolean (Fix E). We inject it into E, yielding a value of type E (Fix E). We then wrapF this value into a Fix E. Now we unwrapF it, back to an E (Fix E), and we try and project that down into Boolean, resulting in an option (Boolean (Fix E)) (remember, project has to defend against projecting in the wrong sub-functor with option).

But clearly we know that this is the correct sub-functor, since we just came from it! We’re going to want a lemma stating that unwrapF . wrapF is an identity. Again, we will axiomatize this lemma for today. Second, we’d like to know that for any expression e, project (inject e) = Some e, where project and inject are operating with the same sub-functor. To make our life easier, we can add this as a requirement to our SubFunctor type class.

(* SubFunctor.v *)

Class SubFunctor
      F E
      `{Functor F} `{Functor E}
      inject  : forall {A : Set}, F A -> E A;
      project : forall {A : Set}, E A -> option (F A);
      (* NEW: *)
      project_inject : forall {A} {fa : F A},
        project (inject fa) = Some fa;

That’s enough tooling to conclude that isBoolean (boolean b) = Some b, and our goal finally reduces to:

IndexedFix WTV {| type := tau__t; expr := if b then eval t else eval e |}

We can destruct the bool value b, and in the true case, immediately use our induction hypothesis for t to conclude. In the false case however, as I warned earlier, we must show that eval e is a value of type tau__t, while our induction hypothesis guarantees it has type tau__e. But we have not yet used our equation typeEquality tau__t tau__e = true. We would like to show that we can invert it into a proof of equality tau__t = tau__e, which means, we must prove that the type equality operation is correct.

Interlude : algebras for the correctness of type equality algebras

You must be used to it by now, we define the property statement for correctness of type equality, as well as a fold of of a proof algebra yielding proofs for some abstract implementation (again, we currently rely on the axiomatized Induction).

(* TypeEquality.v *)

Definition TypeEqualityCorrectnessStatement
           {T} `{Functor T}
           {typeEquality__T : ProgramAlgebra ForTypeEquality T (TypeEqualityResult T)}
           (tau : Fix T)
  : Prop
  := forall tau',
    typeEquality tau tau' = true ->
    tau = tau'.

Variant ForTypeEqualityCorrectness := .

Lemma typeEqualityCorrectness
      {T} `{Functor T}
      {typeEquality__T : ProgramAlgebra ForTypeEquality T (TypeEqualityResult T)}
      `{PA : ! ProofAlgebra ForTypeEqualityCorrectness T (sig TypeEqualityCorrectnessStatement)}
  : forall tau, TypeEqualityCorrectnessStatement tau.
  move => tau.
  apply (Induction tau).

Let’s implement this proof algebra for BooleanType to get a feel for how it goes.

(* BooleanType.v *)

Global Instance TypeEqualityCorrectness__BooleanType
       {T} `{Functor T}
       `{! T supports BooleanType}
       `{! ProgramAlgebra ForTypeEquality T (TypeEqualityResult T)}
       `{! WellFormedCompoundProgramAlgebra ForTypeEquality T BooleanType}
  : ProofAlgebra
      (sig TypeEqualityCorrectnessStatement).

The proof requires us to provide a dependent pair {x : Fix T | TypeEqualityCorrectnessStatement x}. Because we are not trying to cheat here, we instantiate x to booleanType, equal to the input we are folding, and show that indeed it satisfies the correctness property. In the next post, we will forbid cheating altogether, of course. The goal is therefore to show:

forall tau' : Fix T, typeEquality booleanType tau' = true -> booleanType = 

That is, if some other type tau' is found to be equal to booleanType by our decision procedure, then it is indeed propositionally equal to booleanType. By virtue of unfolding and properly dispatching to the program algebra for typeEquality, this reduces to:

isBooleanType tau' = true -> booleanType = 

Some more unfolding and rewriting reveals:

project (unwrapF tau') = Some MkBooleanType -> booleanType = 

If this project succeeds, it must be that the value that was injected was MkBooleanType. This is not guaranteed for ill-formed sub-functors, so once again, we will enrich our definition of SubFunctor to guarantee this:

(* SubFunctor.v *)

Class SubFunctor
      F E
      `{Functor F} `{Functor E}
      inject  : forall {A : Set}, F A -> E A;
      project : forall {A : Set}, E A -> option (F A);
      (* NEW: *)
      project_success : forall {A} {ea : E A} {fa : F A},
          project ea = Some fa -> ea = inject fa;
      project_inject : forall {A} {fa : F A},
          project (inject fa) = Some fa;

This lets us proceed to:

unwrapF tau' = inject MkBooleanType -> booleanType = 

This is pretty close to being over. booleanType is defined as injectF MkBooleanType, which itself means wrapF (inject MkBooleanType). We can apply wrapF to both sides of our hypothesis, to obtain, after unfolding:

wrapF (unwrapF tau') = wrapF (inject MkBooleanType) ->
wrapF (inject MkBooleanType) = 

All that’s left to do is to show that wrapF and unwrapF are inverses. Sorry to disappoint, but that’s also a subject for the next post. Assuming it to be true, the proof is now over.

Concluding soundness for Boolean

Back to our Soundness__ifThenElse proof, we needed correctness of type equality. We can add this pre-condition:

      `{! ProofAlgebra
          (sig TypeEqualityCorrectnessStatement)

and finish the proof by instantiating typeEqualityCorrectness with this proof algebra!

The proof of soundness for Boolean follows immediately. The proof of soundness for Natural is very similar to that of Boolean, so we won’t go into details here.

Instantiating our languages, operations, and proofs

If you’ve followed this far, you must be dying for some concrete instantiation of all those overloaded operations and theorems! In fact, a lot of our theorems have pretty complex, overloaded pre-conditions, that we better be sure we can instantiate fully. So let’s build a small language, made of both Boolean and Natural, derive its evaluation and type inference, and prove their soundness.

(* Demo.v *)

Definition TypeLanguage       := (BooleanType + NaturalType        )%Sum1.
Definition ExpressionLanguage := (Boolean     + Natural            )%Sum1.
Definition ValueLanguage      := (Boolean     + Natural     + Stuck)%Sum1.

Our type language and expression language are straightforward. Because evaluation may fail, our value language also has to support Stuck. Type soundness will guarantee that well-typed programs don’t get stuck though!

We now instantiate our program algebras and indexed relation algebras.

(* Demo.v *)

Definition eval
  : Fix ExpressionLanguage -> EvalResult ValueLanguage
  := MTC.Eval.eval.
  (* ^ we need to fully qualify here because [Eval] is a Coq keyword... *)

Definition typeOf
  : Fix ExpressionLanguage -> TypeOfResult TypeLanguage
  := TypeOf.typeOf.

Definition WellTypedValue
  : (TypedExpr TypeLanguage ValueLanguage)-indexedPropFunctor
  := (WellTypedValue__Boolean + WellTypedValue__Natural)%IndexedSum1.

eval and typeOf are derived by type class instantiation of the overloaded operation, guided by their input and output type. We manually craft WellTypedValue to be the indexed sum of its Boolean and Natural components.

Before starting our proofs, it’d be nice to run some examples of typeOf and eval, just to see that they behave according to our expectations. You may try:

(* Demo.v *)

Compute typeOf (natural 42).

(* OUTPUT: *)
= Some
         (fun (A : Set) (x : MendlerAlgebra TypeLanguage A) =>
            (forall x0 : Set,
             (forall x1 : Set,
              (x1 -> x0) -> (BooleanType + NaturalType)%Sum1 x1 -> x0) -> x0)
               x0 : forall x0 : Set,
                    (forall x1 : Set,
                     (x1 -> x0) -> (BooleanType + NaturalType)%Sum1 x1 -> x0) ->
                    x0 => x0 A x) (inr1 MkNaturalType))
     : TypeOfResult 

Oof! Whereas in the previous post, I made our evaluation algebras compute into a concrete type, now they compute into the extensible type ValueLanguage. Our result is represented as a fold, and quite hard to read, though if you look deep within, you’ll see a reassuring inr1 MkNaturalType. To make inspection of results less painful, it pays off to define a small concrete type for the results we expect, and a small algebra to reduce extensible results into concrete results.

(* Demo.v *)

Variant InspectType :=
| InspectBooleanType
| InspectNaturalType
| InspectIllTyped

Definition inspectTypeOf
  : Fix ExpressionLanguage -> InspectType
  := fun e =>
       match typeOf e with
       | None     => InspectIllTyped
       | Some tau =>
         tau InspectType
           (fun _ rec =>
                (fun 'MkBooleanType => InspectBooleanType)
                (fun 'MkNaturalType => InspectNaturalType)

The algebra converts the constructor of each extensible type language into the matching constructor in our concrete type language. Note that I am using a helper dispatch function that sends handlers to their respective sub-functor:

(* Sum1.v *)

Definition sum1Dispatch
           {A} {L R : Set -> Set} {O}
           (fl : L A -> O) (fr : R A -> O) (v : (L + R)%Sum1 A)
  : O
    match v with
    | inl1 l => fl l
    | inr1 r => fr r

Notation "f || g" := (sum1Dispatch f g) : Sum1.

And here it is:

Compute inspectTypeOf (natural 42).

(* OUTPUT: *)
     = InspectNaturalType

The demo file contains a similar concrete type for values and inspection algebra, with some examples of running eval on some terms. Note that eval is entirely untyped, and so it will happily evaluate ill-typed terms to some value.

We can finally state the soundness theorem for those languages and operations! Here it is, and its proof should be simple by apply Soundness from the Soundness module…

(* Demo.v *)

Theorem Soundness
  : forall (tau : Fix TypeLanguage) (e : Fix ExpressionLanguage),
    typeOf e = Some tau ->
    IndexedFix WellTypedValue {| type := tau; expr := eval e; |}.
  move => tau e.
  apply Soundness.

This, unfortunately, does not finish the proof. We are left with the goal:

ProofAlgebra ForSoundness ExpressionLanguage
    {x : Fix ExpressionLanguage | SoundnessStatement WellTypedValue x}

Something went wrong in instantiating this type class. Let us try to manually instantiate it to find out the culprit. Because ExpressionLanguage is a compound language, this algebra should be built by gluing together sub-algebras for each component. We try to apply the indexed sum program algebra constructor, and to dispatch all obligations using type class automation:

  apply ProofAlgebra__Sum1; try typeclasses eauto.

Two goals remain:

(* 1 *)
  ProofAlgebra ForSoundness Boolean
    {x : Fix ExpressionLanguage | SoundnessStatement WellTypedValue x}

(* 2 *)
  ProofAlgebra ForSoundness Natural
    {x : Fix ExpressionLanguage | SoundnessStatement WellTypedValue x}

We’d hope the first goal to resolve by appealing to Soundness__Boolean.

  eapply Soundness__Boolean; try typeclasses eauto.

(* GOAL: *)
  IndexedProofAlgebra ForWellTypedValueProjection WellTypedValue
    (WellTypedValueProjectionStatement WellTypedValue__Boolean booleanType WellTypedValue)

WellTypedValue is a compound relation, so its proof algebra should be a sum of indexed functors.

  apply IndexedProofAlgebra__Sum1; try typeclasses eauto.

(* GOAL: *)
  IndexedProofAlgebra ForWellTypedValueProjection WellTypedValue__Natural
    (WellTypedValueProjectionStatement WellTypedValue__Boolean booleanType WellTypedValue)

And here’s the problem!

This algebra tries to fold proofs of WellTypedValue into proofs of WellTypedValueProjectionStatement. In the case where the folded proof was of the WellTypedValue__Boolean sub-functor, it uses the WellTypedValueProjection__Boolean sub-algebra, and all is well. But when the folded proof was of the WellTypedValue__Natural sub-functor, what happens?

Does it even make sense to prove WellTypedValueProjectionStatement in such cases!? Luckily, we set it up such that it does. Remember, WellTypedValueProjectionStatement was phrased as:

(* WellTypedValueProjection.v *)

Definition WellTypedValueProjectionStatement
           {T V}
           (WellTypedValue__F : (TypedExpr T V)-indexedPropFunctor)
           (tau : Fix T)
           (WellTypedValue__V : (TypedExpr T V)-indexedPropFunctor)
           (tv : TypedExpr T V)
  : Prop
  := type tv = tau ->
     WellTypedValue__F (IndexedFix WellTypedValue__V) tv.

If we have a proof that WellTypedValue__Natural (IndexedFix WellTypedValue) tv, can we deduce WellTypedValueProjectionStatement WellTypedValue__Boolean booleanType WellTypedValue tv? Indeed we can, thank to the pre-condition in the statement! Because tv is a Natural value, type tv will be equal to naturalType, and as such, cannot possibly be equal to booleanType. The pre-condition is therefore false, and so the proof is over!

But do we really want to create a lemma for this fact? If we add more types to our type language, will we really want to create a lemma saying that this type does not interfere with booleanType? This would quickly lead to an unpleasant quadratic number of lemmas, as we would need to show non-intereference for all pairings of features! Let’s automate this task away: if we ever need to provide an IndexedProofAlgebra ForWellTypedValueProjection, we can try and automatically solve it whenever the source indexed algebra (here WellTypedValue__Natural) does not match the target indexed algebra (here WellTypedValue__Boolean).

(* WellTypedValueProjection.v *)

Ltac wellTypedValueProjection__Other :=
  rewrite /IndexedAlgebra;
  move => i [];
  rewrite /WellTypedValueProjectionStatement /=;
  move => *;
  match goal with
  | [ A : @eq (Fix ?T) ?tau _
    , B : @eq (Fix ?T) ?tau _
    |- _
    ] => move : A B
  move ->;
  move /(wrapF_inversion (inject _) (inject _));
  move /(discriminate_inject _ _ _) => //.

Hint Extern 5
     (IndexedProofAlgebra ForWellTypedValueProjection _ _)
=> wellTypedValueProjection__Other : typeclass_instances.

The unreadable tactic wellTypedValueProjection__Other does just that. Its code searches the context to derive two contradicting equalities, e.g. tau = booleanType and tau = naturalType, then performs some inversion to derive a contradiction. We then register this tactic as a solver for type classes, so that it may be tried every time such an obligation arises. This requires two new lemmas, wrapF_inversion, which is derived from the axiomatized unwrapF_wrapF, and discriminate_inject, which we will prove next time!

With this, the proof of Soundness for our concrete langage is finally complete.

To be continued…

Alright, that was a lot of information! While the proof is over, we introduced many axioms along the way. Solving those axioms requires modifying all of our algebras slightly, which will make the presentation quite more inscrutable, but the overall structure of the proofs will be the same.